About Freeport Marina
Find The Freeport Marina at 101 W. Brazos in Freeport, TX. We're located on the Brazos River and easily accessible to many surrounding communities of boat owners including Brazosport, Quintana, and Surfside Beach.
For early morning availability, we will launch your boat the previous evening and have it waiting for you on our staging docks for your early-hour arrival. If you return late, no problem, secure your vessel to our staging dock, drop your keys in the drop box and we’ll pick it up in the morning. A 24-hour notice of your anticipated launch time is appreciated and helps us to have your boat ready to go.
The Guillotine Gate offers a protected harbor. During times of turbulent water, for example, a hurricane, officials close the guillotine gate, and boats within this harbor don't feel the effects of the rising water. Contact us to learn more about our guillotine storm gate and 21’ federal levee system.

Dry Dock